Wednesday 10 October 2012

White balance

White balance

Abbreviated as WB, white balance is a function of a digital camera used to compensate for different colors of light being emitted by different light sources. In digital photography the term is generally used to describe a function of a digital camera that allows you to calibrate the device to correctly display the color white. Once this calibration has been done, the camera should then display other colors correctly as well.
White balance is measured in Kelvins which is the temperature of the light for example the cooler the light such as a tungsten bulb emits cooler light mostly in the yellow or orange range where as sunlight emits a hotter light at the blue and white end of the spectrum.

Below are some images of the same subject but with each one i`ve changed only the white balance setting.

Daylight approx. 5200k

Shade approx. 7000k

Cloudy approx 6000k

Tungsten approx. 3200k

Fluorescent Approx. 4000k.

Custom white balance is also available on most DSLR`s giving you flexibility in mixed lighting situations.
Also available to purchase are grey cards which will give your camera a good idea of the light temperature.

Sean Wareing 2012

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